OPDBR’S mission is to create a client-centered, community-oriented defender office founded on the pursuit
of equal justice and zealous representation for the indigent community of Baton Rouge.

To reach any of our staff members, please dial 225-389-3140


Tina Anny, Business Manager, tanny@opdbr.org, ext. 3645

Margaret Lagattuta, Chief of Trials, mlagattuta@opdbr.org, ext. 3628

Pamela Hart, Chief Investigator, phart@opdbr.org, ext. 3623

Keith Thornton, Chief of Baton Rouge City Court, kthornton@opdbr.org, ext. 3652

Lynn Farris, MSW, Client Services Unit Supervisor, lfarris@opdbr.org, ext. 3614

Leah Watson, Director of Students and Recruitment, lwatson@opdbr.org, ext. 3626

Herman Holmes, Chief of Juvenile, hholmes@opdbr.org, ext. 1297

Sharrolyn Miles, CINC Supervisor, sharrolynopd@gmail.com, ext. 3665

Greg Cook, Chief Deputy Public Defender, gcook@opdbr.org, ext. 3636

Secretary Staff

District Court

Receptionist, Stephanie Dangerfield, reception@opdbr.org, dial 0

Sections 1 and 4 (Judge Fred T. Crifasi and Judge Eboni Johnson Rose)- Monica Dickerson, mdickerson@opdbr.org, ext. 3627

Sections 3 and 9 (Judge Brad Myers and Judge Ron Johnson)- Mildred Ewing, mewing@opdbr.org, ext. 3619

Sections 5 and 7(Judge Tarvald A. Smith and Judge McDonald)- Sara Dickerson, sdickerson@opdbr.org, ext. 3650

Section 6 (Judge William Jorden)- Stephanie King, sking@opdbr.org, ext. 3612

Sections 2 and 8 (Judge Gail Ray and Judge Colette Greggs- Chandra Burks, cburks@opdbr.org, ext. 3621

City/Juvenile/Baker/Zachary Courts

Baton Rouge City Court, Laura Henderson, lhenderson@opdbr.org, ext. 3642

Juvenile Court, Melanie Davis, mdavis@opdbr.org, ext. 3672

CINC/Baker/Zachary Courts, Deon Sumer, dsumer@opdbr.org, ext. 3610

Investigation Unit

District Court

Stephen Sterling, ssterling@opdbr.org, ext. 3620

Luke Thibodeaux, lthibodeaux@opdbr.org, ext. 3616

Tim Wilkinson, twilkinson@opdbr.org, ext. 3624

Josefina Gonzalez, jgonzalez@opdbr.org, ext. 3673

Garrett Deschamp, gdeschamp@opdbr.org, ext.

Josh Webb, jwebb@opdbr.org, ext.

City Court/Juvenile Court

Baton Rouge City Court, Eric Shaffer, eshaffer@opdbr.org, ext. 3632

Juvenile Court, Dawn Moore, dmoore@opdbr.org Juvenile Court, Rosa Sellers, rsellers@opdbr.org


District Court Call Out

Attorney, Sidney Weferling, sweferling@opdbr.org

City Court Call Out

Attorney, Theresa Dorcelus, tdorcelus@opdbr.org

District Court

Section 1 (Judge Fred T. Crifasi)- Scott Collier, scollier@opdbr.org, Melissa Walker, mwalker@opdbr.org, Shelby Wambsgans, swambsgans@opdbr.org

Section 2 (Judge Gail Ray)- Rosalind Freeman, rfreeman@opdbr.org, Ryan Thompson, rthompson@opdbr.org, Jessica Hawkins, jhawkins@opdbr.org, Shelley Moore, smoore@opdbr.org

Section 3 (Judge Brad Myers)- Hunter Thomas, hthomas@opdbr.org, Christopher Martin, cmartin@opdbr.org

Section 4 (Judge Eboni J. Rose)- Gregory Cook, gcook@opdbr.org , Stephen Stafford, sstafford@opdbr.org, Melissa Walker, mwalker@opdbr.org

Section 5 (Judge Tarvald A. Smith)- Quincy Richard, qrichard@opdbr.org, Leah Watson, lwatson@opdbr.org, Marcus Roots, mroots@opdbr.org

Section 6 (Judge William Jorden)- La’Deisha Woods lwoods@opdbr.org, Ebonni Jackson, ejackson@opdbr.org, Dewanna Stewart-Daniels, dsdaniels@opdbr.org

Section 7 (Judge Hines)- Alex Herstenstein, aherstenstein@opdbr.org, April White, awhite@opdbr.org, Dawn Collins, dcollins@opdbr.org, Kathleen Wilson, kwilson@opdbr.org

Section 8 (Judge Collette Greggs)- Joseph Scott, jscott@opdbr.org, Tiffany Washington, twashington@opdbr.org, Jeanna Wheat, jwheat@opdbr.org

Baton Rouge City Court/ Recovery Court

Baton Rouge City Court, Jim Murray, jmurray@opdbr.org

Baton Rouge City Court, JoAnn Nixon, jnixon@opdbr.org

Baton Rouge Recovery Court, Fred Kroenke, fkroenke@opdbr.org

Juvenile Court

Juvenile, Lakita Leonard, lleonard@opdbr.org

Juvenile, Shawn Bray, sbray@opdbr.org

Juvenile, Tassina Gary, tgary@opdbr.org